About us
Mish & Erika are a powerful couple that are dedicated to helping guide people in raising their vibration through detoxing the mind & body

Personal Coach
Michelle Cachucho
Mish is a Personal Coach and the creator of Rise Up In Love.
Mish helps people stand up for themselves and reminds them of who they are. For years she has been fascinated about the mechanics of energy and how one can raise their vibration facilitating expansion. Asking any clients she has influenced in any sort of capacity, the common thread of feedback is that she leaves people feeling inspired about themselves, clear on their intentions and empowered with practical tools to communicate well and manifest the life they want.
Food Alchemist
Erika Tangari
Erika is the creator of the S.O.L. Method and has served over 100k meals in her career. She also teaches many people her life changing method transforming their approach to food and ultimately their life.
She doesn´t really consider herself a chef as much as an alchemist. Her main desire is to understand how life enters into specific elements, how these elements manifest as food and how she can combine them creating a culinary epiphany, reconnecting people to their souls.
Would you like to work with us and help raise vibration?
Complete your details and we´ll do our best to see how we can make it work.